
Thenpmpackage@heroicons/vuewasscannedforknownvulnerabilitiesandmissinglicense,andnoissueswerefound.Thusthepackagewasdeemedassafetouse.,Beautifulhand-craftedSVGicons,bythemakersofTailwindCSS.288icons.MITlicense.React&Vuelibraries.DocumentationGetFigmaFile ...,HeroiconsforVue.js.AsetoffreeMIT-licensedhigh-qualitySVGiconsasVuefunctionalcomponents.Iconssourcedfrom@refactoringui/heroicons.Outli...


The npm package @heroicons/vue was scanned for known vulnerabilities and missing license, and no issues were found. Thus the package was deemed as safe to use.


Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS. 288 icons. MIT license. React & Vue libraries. Documentation Get Figma File ...

Heroicons for Vue.js

Hero icons for Vue.js. A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons as Vue functional components. Icons sourced from @refactoringui/heroicons. Outline


2023年12月18日 — Latest version: 2.1.1, last published: 13 days ago. Start using @heroicons/vue in your project by running `npm i @heroicons/vue`.

How to use @heroiconsvue in Nuxt3?

2022年11月12日 — How to use @heroicons/vue in Nuxt3? ... i want to import @heroicons/vue in Nuxt 3 but my icon not appear in frontend. ... I have tried to pass the ...


2022年12月16日 — A set of free MIT-licensed high-quality SVG icons, sourced from @tailwindlabs/heroicons, as Vue 2 functional components.

Module not found: Error

2022年8月29日 — It probably is not resolve particular Javascript problem, but it can help anyone to work in Typescript and land in this answer.

tailwindlabsheroicons: A set of free MIT

Beautiful hand-crafted SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS. Available as basic SVG icons and via first-party React and Vue libraries.

喜欢Heroicons?这里有一个优秀的Heroicons for ❤️Vue.js ...

一个免费使用MIT 开源协议开源的高质量SVGs Vue 组件图标库! 100% 无其他项目依赖100% 兼容CDN 安装的Vue.js 使用前言我很喜欢Heroicons,因为确实设计的很精致。